Upon payment of the appropriate fee, each membership may bring in up to eight (8) nonmember guests on any one day without providing prior notice (i.e. completing the Party Rental Form). Guests must be accompanied by members while on the pool grounds, i.e. the member and the guest(s) must be on the grounds at the same time. Any nonmember age 18 or over is limited to four weekend visits (Friday from 5:00pm through Sunday plus Holidays) before August 1 as a guest except if a houseguest pass has been purchased. There is no limit on the number of visits by nonmember guests under the age of 18. At weekends, guests are required to sign in and provide contact information.
(For more than 8 guests, members must complete a Party Booking Form).
Monday to 5:00 pm on Friday
Adults $7
Children 2-19 $5
Under 2 FREE
Guests aged 80 and over are free.
Friday 5:01 pm to Sunday and Holidays
Adults $12
Children 2-19 $7
Under 2 FREE
Guests aged 80 and over are free.
Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Adults $1
Children 2-19 $3
Under 2 FREE
Guests aged 80 and over are free.
Guests must pay the full guest fee if they remain on the grounds after 12:00 noon.