Co-op hours can be completed by doing board-approved work that maintains or improves the pool’s grounds, facilities and equipment, assists with the operations of the pool, or is necessary for events that raise money for the pool.

In order to keep things at the PG Pool running smoothly, every member 21 or older is required to either pay a co-op deposit or to fulfill 2.5 co-op hours. To fulfill the co-op hour obligation members may choose to commit to a seasonal job (listed below; participate in a scheduled workday; or liaise with a board member for specific tasks.

For documenting your co-op hours and obtaining a refund, please read this. A refund will not be made without a request in writing.

Choosing to work a Seasonal Co-op Job requires ongoing attention to a specific task over some or all of the pool season. It is a job that is based on the task rather than number of hours. Each and every one of the jobs is essential to the smooth operation of the pool, so we ask that you strongly consider signing up for one of these. We also ask that any family committing to a Seasonal Co-op Job please be sure to see the job through to the end of the pool season. Should the board discover that the duty is not being fulfilled appropriately, co-op hours may not be granted.

People doing seasonal co-op jobs may not transfer their excess hours to other members. Co-op hours completed at workdays or other similarly organized co-op opportunities are transferable with the prior approval of a board member.


The number in parentheses indicates the number of volunteers needed. You must commit to doing the job over the entire pool season. Email with Co-op Request in the subject line to sign up for a job.

Lost and Discarded Coordinators (6): Member families can coordinate sorting out lost and found items frequently and hanging wet towels out to dry. We tend to discard the items twice (mid-season and post-Labor Day) by either having a sale at the pool or donating everything (or both). You may make announcements at the pool to remind members to check the lost and found and give listserv warnings before you get rid of everything.

Fridge and Microwaves (4): Member families can share the weekly job of completely cleaning out the fridges. Wiping down the microwaves should be done once or twice a week, as should checking the coffee machine is also clean.

Front Desk Point of Sale Transaction Monitors (2): Check that daily sales are being recorded accurately.

Grill Ombudsperson (3): While we contract the cleaning of the grills out, it would be great to have a small group of people to monitor the grease traps, carry out small repairs, check that the tools are vaguely clean and pass on dire cleaning needs to a Board Member.

Propane Tank Fillers (6): The tanks need to be filled weekly(ish) preferably between Thursday eve and Saturday morning before the weekend rush. We need a group of people with largish cars, wagons or trucks who can load the empties up, take them over to the U-Haul place on Chillum Road, get them refilled and bring them back to the pool. Each trip takes about 45 minutes. Costs will be quickly reimbursed by the pool.

Kitchen (2): Requires cleaning and organizing the kitchen once a week. Please make sure the floor is swept and the sink area is not cluttered.

Supplies Shoppers (8): Several families can coordinate to check the stock of general supplies at the pool and purchase supplies as needed. The guards and/or a board member will alert you if anything is running low. (Costs are reimbursed by the pool.)

Ice Cream Monitors (4): Some folks to monitor stocks and arrange for restocking.

Team Food (12): Work with the Events Committee to plan and execute the occasional food sales at the pool.

Sandbox Maintainer (1): A great job for a family who spends a lot of time supervising sandbox activities anyway. This job involves removing inappropriate items from the sandbox and generally keeping it a nice, safe place for children to play.

Web site (3): Regular updates to

Flower Bed and Garden Coordinators (3): This job entails organizing and maintaining the flowerbeds.

Fourth of July Festivities Coordinators (4): The Fourth is a big event at PG Pool. This job involves coordinating activities and getting volunteers to pitch in.

Bulletin Board Maintainer (1): Updating and maintaining our bulletin boards.

Maintenance: Anyone with plumbing, carpentry, electrical or other specialized skills, we need you.